
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a declaration of positively affirming what you want to possess, or what you do currently possess.

Affirmations can be a longer sentence or a short and punchy line.

They are used to help oneself for self-growth by promoting positive thinking and patterns.

Why should I practice affirmations?

You’ve heard the phrase - practice makes perfect and repetition is key to success - well the same goes for affirmations. Everytime you practice and repeat affirmations, you’re creating a message to your brain and re-training it to think in certains ways, erasing old patterns and reframing new patterns. 

By practicing affirmations, you’re firing neurons in your brain, sending your brain a message, and creating new neural pathways that become stronger and stronger each time. This translates to changes in behaviours and thoughts.

Positive changes are built in the house you live in (your mind and body).

What affirmations can I use?

You can make your own affirmations based on what you’re thinking, feeling and what you need (as big picture or as specific as that may be), however these are some that we think are pretty powerful:

  • I am strong, I am kind, I am whole.
  • I am present in the moment.
  • I am open and ready to be positive.
  • I am equipped to tackle any obstacle in my way and this will help me learn and grow.
  • I believe in myself and my goals.
  • I am grateful for what I have.
  • I am going to work hard and achieve my goals.
  • Today I am going to be my best self.

When and how should I practice affirmations?

We love doing affirmations first thing in the morning, it really sets the tone for the rest of your day.

It’s also a great practice to do as a circuit breaker during the day, so if you consciously catch yourself cycling negative thoughts or beliefs, you can use your affirmations as a way to bring an end to those thoughts and encourage more positive thinking.

We also love to journal and goal-set and writing affirmations down is another way to embed it into your daily routine.


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