5 ways to start your week the right way

Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash 

Wake up, kick ass, repeat. It really can be as easy as that on a Monday morning with a little bit of preparation and good habit building.

Starting your week the right way is crucial to keeping routines and giving you the best chance of a productive and successful week ahead. 

Here are our top 5 habits to help you kickstart your week the right way:

  1. Plan out your week - every Sunday carve out some time where you sit and write your major tasks, projects, deadlines and goals for each week. This will help keep you organised, give your week some structure and allow you to stress less about what lies ahead.

  2. Set weekly goals - writing down your goals is a proven way to manifest them into existence. Outlining your goals will give you direction, and having this structure in place with a set target will motivate you and give you a great sense of satisfaction once you get to cross it off.

  3. Exercise - moving your body regularly has so many benefits for not just your physical health, but your mental and emotional health as well. Physical movement will help manage stress, increase your serotonin levels (feel good hormone) and provide you with the mental clarity you need to take on your day, or week. Make sure when you’re planning your week out, you make time to move - even if it’s just a 20-minute walk to break up the day.

  4. Be present - life passes by in the flash of an eye and it can be so easy to get caught up in the what ifs and sit with too much worry over the future (whether that’s your week ahead, or years ahead). When you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed, take five minutes out of your day to do a breathing exercise or a quick mindfulness or meditation to ground yourself. This will give you a greater sense of joy as you’re able to appreciate the here and now and ensure that your week is as successful as possible.

  5. Sleep - catching those zzz’s seems to be the eternal chase! However, sleep (and keeping hydrated!) is one of the best ways to rest your mind and body so you’re able to wake up at the start of the week feeling good about yourself and the days ahead.

What other habits do you have in place to start your week off positively?

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